Are you wildfire ready? In the event of a wildfire, Ready, Set, Go! helps give you the tools to protect your family, property and community from wildfires.
Ready > Take personal responsibility and prepare long before the threat of a wildfire. See brush clearance tips below.
Set > Pack your vehicle with essential emergency items. Food, water, medication for you/family/pet(s), and important documents. Stay aware of the latest news from local media, fire and police for updated information.
Go > Evacuate when told, do not wait! Go to the designated evacuation location as instructed by the authorities.
It is particularly important to follow Ready, Set, Go! during Red Flag conditions. Be vigilant and keep your TV or radio on. Be sure to keep a pair of old shoes and a flashlight handy for a night evacuation. Keep the six "P's" ready, in case immediate evacuation is required.
- People and pets
- Papers, phone numbers, and important documents
- Prescriptions, vitamins, and eyeglasses
- Pictures and irreplaceable memorabilia
- Personal computers (information on hard drives and disks)
- "Plastic" (credit cards, ATM cards) and cash
For more information about the Ready, Set, Go program and other fire safety information, visit the Cal Fire website.
The state of California has seen an increase in frequency and size of wildfires. Culver City has an ordinance in place that increases requirements for brush clearance and fire safety in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones (VHFHSZ)(PDF, 9MB). This ordinance establishes appropriate safety measures necessary to mitigate the occurrence of such fires.
Clear early and clear often. Throughout the state, smaller brush fires have been accidentally started by well intentioned residents performing brush clearance. Follow the safety tips below to help eliminate accidental starts.
- Use of metal cutting blades for grass or brush clearance shall be limited to those which are non-ferrous/non-sparking.
- Brush clearance cannot be done on red flag days, when fire weather conditions are at their peak.
- Individuals engaged in brush clearance operations shall not engage in any other activities during the actual clearance of grass or brush.
- An approved fire extinguisher, or a pressurized garden hose with attached nozzle shall be within 10 feet of any grass or brush clearance operation, to quickly extinguish a small fire before it burns out of control.
- A cell phone capable of dialing 9-1-1 shall be charged and readily accessible to the grass or brush clearance operation.
The plants listed below are more susceptible to burning due to rough or peeling bark, production of large amounts of litter, vegetation that contains oils, resin, wax, pitch or a high dead to live fuel ratio. Many of these species, if existing on the property and adequately maintained, may remain as long as the potential for spreading a fire has been reduced or eliminated. These types of plants should be avoided, especially in sensitive areas, where they could become established and compete with native vegetation.
Examples of undesirable plant species include:
- Arborvitae
- Buckwheat
- Eucalyptus
- Milk Thistle
- Red Shanks
- Artichoke Thistle
- Burning Nettle
- Fountain Grass
- Peppergrass
- Russian Thistle
- Bamboo
- Caster Bean Plant
- Horseweed
- Palm Tree
- Telegraph Plant
- Black Mustard
- Chamise
- Indian Tobacco
- Pine Tree
- Pampa Grass
- Black Sage
- Cypress
- Mayweed
- Juniper
- Yellow Mustard
There are no “fire proof” plants. To help create a fire-resistant landscape, select high moisture plants that grow close to the ground and have a low sap or resin content. Fire resistant plants are great in California because they are often drought tolerant too. Plant hardwood trees that are less flammable than pine, fir or other conifer trees.
Examples of desirable plant species include:
- Aloe
- Rockrose
- Ice Plant
- Hedging Roses
- Bush Honeysuckle
- Sumac
- Shrub Apples
- French Lavender
- Red Monkey Flower
- Lilac
- Sage
- California Lilac
- Society Garlic
- Maple Tree
- Poplar Tree
- Cherry Tree
Due to weather conditions that may create the potential for elevated fire risk, a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) may be under consideration in parts of the Southern California Edison (SCE) service territory. Please visit the SCE website to learn more about public safety power shutoffs and other mitigation efforts.