Sprinkler 13 Notes

Please place the following notes on the plan exactly as written and fill in the blanks.

  1. Scope of work:
  2. Sprinkler plans shall be approved prior to the installation of any pipe. A set of approved plans, including hydraulic calculations for new systems, shall be retained at the job site at all times.
  3. This automatic fire protection system shall be designed, fabricated, and installed in accordance with 2022 NFPA 13 and local amendments enforced by the CCFD.
  4. The point of connection is (List here) (e.g., 6” AFF).
  5. All valves shall have a permanently affixed sign identifying their function and building served.
  6. All system risers shall be equipped with a Hydraulic Design Information Sign as described in NFPA 13, Section 25.5.2 (as amended).
  7. All underground mains and lead in connections shall be flushed in accordance with NFPA 13 and/or 24 prior to connection to the overhead system; the flush shall be witnessed by an CCFD fire inspector.
  8. Call CCFD Inspection Scheduling at (310) 253-5929 to schedule all inspections at least 48 hours in advance. Inspections canceled after 1 p.m. on the day before the scheduled date will be subject to a re-inspection fee.
  9. The installer shall perform all required acceptance tests in the presence of the fire inspector.
  10. All new systems and additions or modifications to existing piping affecting more than 20 sprinklers shall be hydrostatically tested for two hours at 200 psi or at 50 psi above the system operating pressure, whichever is greater. Hydro testing above operating pressure is not required for relocated drops.
  11. All FDCs, wall PIVs, and exterior/exposed sprinkler riser valves shall be painted OSHA safety red. Other fire sprinkler or supply pipe exposed to the sky or susceptible to wet conditions shall be painted (any color) or otherwise coated to inhibit corrosion. Stainless steel assemblies and piping may be left unpainted provided that any hose connections, valves, or other components operated by the fire department are painted red.
  12. All sprinkler piping shall remain uncovered until inspected by CCFD.
  13. At rough inspection, pendent and sidewall sprinkler heads shall not be installed in portions of systems using CPVC pipe; only plugs shall be used.
  14. At final inspection, ceiling tiles shall be installed at each sprinkler.  Hard-lid and all other types of ceilings shall have all patches, repairs, and final finishes completed. Concealed sprinkler cover plates shall not be installed regardless of ceiling type, but shall be available on-site for inspection.

Flow Test Information

(all blanks must be complete)

Location: (          ); Date: (          ); Elevation (ft.): (          ); Static Pressure (psi): (     ); Residual Pressure (psi): (     ); Flow (gpm): (     )

Fire Sprinkler Design Criteria

(all blanks must be complete)

Hydraulic Design: (          ) (gpm/sq. ft.) over (     ) (sq. ft.); requiring (     ) (gpm) at (     ) (psi) at the Base of Riser; Safety Margin (psi) (     )